Was that on Purpose?

Ever wonder how you got here? No, I'm not going to talk about the birds and bees. I mean how you got to where you are right now, this very moment as you even read this blog.  Where are you? How did you get there? What steps did you take to get there?  Was it easy? What support did you have along the way? If you think you stumbled into whatever life you have, think again.  We all take steps and make decision to get to this very moment.

For example, I am watching the Super Bowl and not all that into it, well OK the commercials, but picked up the laptop to start writing.  It was no accident. I purposefully did everything and took steps along the way to make it happen.

Yoga is the same.  Where are you on your mat? How did you get there in that pose? What steps to take to achieve the pose?  Was it easy to get into? What support in the pose did you have along the way? If you think you stumbled into the pose, think again.

We all get lost along the way at times [Tweet it]
Need support and a plan to move forward. The next time you are on your mat consider where you are on your mat and how you could make it better.  Is it a private session? or just a question at the end of class to your yoga instructor about how one thing you did could make it all better?

Make yoga purposeful otherwise what is the point.