Do What You Love - Love What You Do!

When I was a little girl I would do cartwheels in our 1970s living room as much as I could.  Give me a spot and I would do it. Gymnastics and twisting my body into impossible positions was fun.  I could even wrap both legs behind my head (OK, don't judge me!)

I never took my passion to the next level through gymnastics like May Lou (you'll break your arm! I would hear). The closest I came to flipping around was as a cheerleader beginning at age 13.  Although I loved flipping all over the high school gymnasium, I will always fearful of breaking a bone. Looking back, those words that echoed in my ear probably held me back from what could have been an exciting passion come true.

Now fast forward 25 years!  I am 40-something and still flipping around. I can do cartwheels, handstands and backbends in my everyday life now through yoga.  I no longer worry that I will break my arm, since I listen to my body.  I don't randomly do flips, but know to warm-up the body first. My passion has grown and with this path I can also teach others as I share my passion.  I love what I do and do what I love and it's not work at all to me.

What do you love?  Do you do it?
Tell me!