
New year - new you, right? Of course, we all do it and it takes different forms. Some of us give up bad habits, some begin a new way of eating, drinking, sleeping, relaxing, having fun, exercising....the list goes on and on.

But how do we stick to it?

I have this challenge too. I am calling for a group of yogi (wannabees and old) to take the 21-day challenge with me toward a better 2015. It takes a team to hold one another accountable, motive and celebrate goals.

Who is in? Who is ready to say "to health with it" and take the challenge! Practice something healthy everyday in addition to taking a yoga class. Share healthy recipes, fitness tips, yoga music, yoga poses, favorite anything!  Please use #tohealthwithit on all social media and get started! Get off the couch!

Schedule your yoga session with me now!

I am starting with a favorite recipe.  #tohealthwithit
Zucchini chips: