Sloooowwwww -- dowwwwnnnnn

I wish I say how I got my roller coaster ride to slow down and catch my breath, but I can't pin point it to an exact day.  Unlike a real coaster at Cedar Point where it just stops at the end of the ride and you get off, I would say mine slowed down and maybe even changed tracks in the middle.  The ride I was on at the beginning changed course and it was all due to me.

I told you how positive thinking helped me get through.  In fact, I was so zoned in positive vibes that I separated from people in my life who were not mentally healthy for me anymore.  It was not that they didn't support me, but there is this way some people can only think of the glass as half empty when I was thinking it was full. We were both right, but I liked my perspective better and needed to be surrounded by those friends and family who were positive thinking. I was tired of hearing things like, when are you going to ___________, and how long will it take before you _________, and then what will you do after ___________ is done, how will you survive without ________.  It's amazing how people have opinions of things they have never gone through in life and think their way is the best. All of these blanks were plans I had in motion, but repeating my story in a positive way to have someone come back with a negative spin was hurting my head (literally). I weaned myself off the negative surrounding and it was for the better.

I weaned myself off the negative surrounding 


It's funny how one change can make a big impact. Looking back it was probably one person doing all the negative chattering and now - guess what? No chatter!

The coaster slowed down and I was on a different track.  Rather than being scared of the next hill, I knew it would be a challenge and yet something I could embrace and learn from.  I knew what I was going through would help me grow as a person. I started to see how much better life could be on this new track of negative free people.